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  • Writer's pictureJemma Louise

How about an introduction?

I’ve created a few posts and thought it was about time I introduce myself and my family properly.

Me, Jemma. 

Hi, so where to start, well I’m in my 30’s, married to Andy, have 4 children and a dog. I’m currently working in a school teaching the future generations to read whilst juggling everything that involves being a wife, mother and home owner. I met Andy when I was 17 years old and fell in love with him when he cuddled me and his hugs are what I love most about him most still to this day. He is my rock and we are riding the wave of life

together. After 10 years of marriage last year we gifted ourselves our house. Becoming home owners was such a huge step for us and one we are so grateful for, as well as being proud and its the start of another journey for us and our family……

We have four beautiful and very different children, Jack, Dylan, Adam and Chloe (more about them below). Three boys and a girl and I always laugh when people say “ahhhh you got your girl, are you going to stop at 4 now?” WHAT! Crazy people, no I’m stopping because we have four gorgeous, healthy children and four is enough for me, girls, boys, whatever combination thanks! They were all great babies, even when I had the three boys aged 3 and under. Life may have seemed hectic at the time but looking back that stage of juggling nappies, bottles, weaning, feeding, potty training etc all in one go was much easier than all of them now going through hormones!! And Chloe hasn’t even reached that stage yet. If you stick around you’ll see more of how our life is now and what its like to have 4 children reaching the teen years.

Crafting is one of my favourite past times, sewing, crochet, knitting to name a few but I will try my hand at most things and love taking something basic and creating something beautiful and new from it. Chloe also loves my sewing as she often ends up with many new outfits as well as her dolly’s!

Bullet Journal! Oh my goodness I love my #bulletjournal I started one last year and really enjoyed the whole process, so this year I’ve decided to really stick at it as one of my 2018 goals. If you have never heard of bullet journaling then head over to pinterest, type it in and see the amazing world of bullet journals. Alternatively go to the boss himself, Ryder Carroll , get the basics sorted and enjoy a whole new world.


My gorgeous husband is in his 30’s too, he works in the transport industry and after surgery just over 15 months ago, he has lost nearly 11 stone! His whole lifestyle, health and approach to life has changed dramatically in that time and had the biggest impact on our lives in ways we never imagined or even noticed were impaired before because of his weight. My children have their Dad for several more years now which is a gift we never take for granted. Our #NHS is something to be truly admired at times as well as the amazing staff that carry on no matter what. Fishing is his great pastime joy, although he doesn’t do it so much at the moment because his new found love for DIY around the house has taken over and I’m not complaining about that!


The eldest Jack, is 15, well and truly in the throws of hormones and is in his GCSE years at school. He was the most delightful, easy going, smiley baby I knew, he hit every milestone early and nothing seemed to phase him, including when his little brothers came along. He lead me into a false reality which is probably why at 9 months old we conceived Dylan! Thanks Jack. Anyway, he has grown into a very strong minded, determined, confident young man. He is very focused but often the world is black and white to him and he is always right! Not sure if this is a personality trait yet or just hormones, only time will tell. He is very academically talented across the board on an average day, I just wish he would really apply himself and boy that kid could achieve anything. He just completed a week work experience at a local accountants and on his report they were very thankful how he fixed an excel programme they were having problems with and couldn’t solve! Jack just shrugs it off, smiles and moves on.

He would make a great stockbroker, making millions and moving onto the next big thing without even breaking a sweat.

The downside to Jack is his lack of communication with us and it is just us. He comes home, skulks to his room, not to be seen again till dinner time or when we call his mobile to find out where he is, only to find him in the next room blocking us out. He manages a few grunts and groans here and there and doesn’t feel the need to elaborate on any parts of his day other than “yeah, it was ok” or “same as yesterday.” Jack’s teenage years are so far, typical of that Kevin and Perry sketch, you know the one where they go to bed all sweet and innocent then come down, grunting and groaning at everything, yep that’s him……… Jack is my strong willed, focused, determined child.


Ahhh Dylan, 13, was my second baby and a bit of a shock to the system, how could I love 2 babies as much as the first, but I did, you do and he was so loving,

easy going. His re-flux was something to be seen to be believed though. He could literally throw up from one side of the room and hit the walls on the other side, it was like a scene from the exorcist every mealtime. Other than that he was such a lovely, adorable baby with such squidgy cheeks. Dylan has grown into a fine young man with such a funny character and an innocence which I hope will never leave him, although some more common sense wouldn’t go amiss! He doesn’t take life too seriously and just goes with the flow. His

creative imagination when it comes to construction, especially with Lego is something to be admired, he makes some of the most amazing inventions that one day I hope makes him rich. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, he is absolutely adamant that he will be a #palaeontologist when he is older and even has his teacher currently looking for work experience in that field! Good luck with that one but I do hope he follows through with his dream because he is such a fountain of knowledge when it comes to geography, history and dinosaurs he amazes everyone with his facts and memory. Engineering is his back up plan and a good one at that. Dylan needs to be more strong willed, he can be lead astray very easily, although he doesn’t get into serious trouble, his moral compass is secure. Dylan is my creative, free, world explorer character.


Oh Adam! Adam is 11 and when he came along there were two older brothers already but that didn’t phase him, he got stuck right in there and made it known. He was the gorgeous, cheeky, mischievous one who got away with all sorts because of that smile and those dimples and still does! After Adam we didn’t want any more children, three

aged three and under was enough for us and we did feel complete as a family for a couple of years so he was the baby. The three of them were great together and very close, hormones and teenage years are separating them more but I hope that will change again as they grow and develop. Toddler Adam did all sorts like throw things in the fish tank, cover himself in Sudocrem, put plastic in the toaster and turn it on, smash glasses etc and for us it was hard work, the other two were so different but he created a third different dynamics to the family. He is growing to be a very loyal, cheeky chap, he really is half and half of the other two. Adam is definitely the most caring character of the boys and notices fine details in anything/anyone. His maths skills are incredible and on par with GCSE grades 7-8 already!  He really has an energetic charisma about him that is infectious, if not annoying late at night or early in the morning when trying to get the others to bed and sleep but none the less a good trait. He’s still thinking about what to do in life although I’m hoping he will stick to wanting to be a pilot, Mummy likes that idea. Adam is my loving, loyal, enthusiastic/mischievous child.


Ahh, my darling daughter Chloe, 8. Now having a girl was supposed to be a delight, complete the family, pink and girly etc etc and it was, it is but bloody hell was she a shock to the system! Girls are soo demanding and not chilled out, something we were used to with the boys, hahaha how blinded were we about having a girl. She was a great baby though and it was soo fun buying things in pink and dresses after so many years of blue and jeans so much so that at 8 years old she has only just got her first pair of jeans!

Her choice not ours may I add. Chloe is so different to the boys and although they are different to each other, generally I would say the boys are chilled, relaxed, whatever, whenever but she is not, Chloe is demanding, determined, now not later, why wait? It took some getting used to but as a family unit she fits in great and balances out the family dynamics, just as well really, no returns allowed. She is a very girly girl and this has grown naturally not been pushed on her and to be honest I love it. I really love that she embraces being a female, explores it and isn’t afraid to mix it up. She is expressive. The boys are becoming more protective as she gets older although something tells me she’ll be able to handle almost anything. I love the idea of her becoming an independent, feisty young woman as long as I can hold onto my little girl for a bit longer because she is determined to grow up too fast. I do often have to remind her she is only eight, not eighteen but no matter what, even at this age, she never loses respect for herself or her ways. She is very #creative and great at designing clothes in her books as well as an amazing reader, my very own Belle. I can see her in the boardroom conquering it all with pride, dignity and respect for herself and others. You go girl! Chloe is my right hand girl though, she is a Daddy’s girl but we spend so much time together I’d be lost without her and our bond is different compared to the boys, not better just different. Chloe completes our family. Chloe is my girly, expressive, positive child.

Wow, what a post but I thought it was important you knew a little about each of us. It’s not complete I could ramble on forever and there is soo much more but its a rounded picture for now and as for pictures I could add 1000’s and it still wouldn’t be enough to share it all.


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